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Žigan and Kristijan Krajnčan are DrummingCellist & SingingDancer, a brother duo combining vocals, cello, percussion and dance. With inexhaustible energy, Žigan and Kristijan invite you to join them on their odyssey, sailing between different genres, generations, temperaments and emotions.

Žigan is a musician, dancer, choreographer, director, actor and performer working around the globe. He believes in the idea of integral creativity, always striving to expand, fuse and push the boundaries of genres and styles. His successful, award-winning artistic career has taken him to the US, China, Europe and Africa, where he has learned about different cultural forms, absorbed and reflected on them, and incorporated them into his own practice.

Kristijan is a virtuoso on both cello and drums, a composer and filmmaker, and the recipient of numerous awards in all fields of his work. With his solo project DrummingCellist, he has released four albums, most recently Zabučale gore, where he recreated Slovenian folk music through a contemporary lens. He has collaborated on 52 albums and performed in more than 25 countries in Europe, the US, Asia, Indonesia, the Middle East and Africa. He has also scored several film, theatre, interdisciplinary and dance projects.


Kristijan Kranjčan / DrummingCellist: FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / BANDCAMP 

This performance is supported by UPBEAT.


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