“Led by the young enthusiast Jaka Nežmah, who produces music under the moniker Biokid and deejays as Akaj, the Origin label has emerged as one of the more prolific exponents of Slovenian leftfield house and techno creativity.”
Founder of Origin Records and member of the Rite of Passage collective, Akaj is undoubtedly one of the most promising newbloods on the Slovenian electronic music underground. Despite his youth, he has developed a style that can be described as completely his own, drifting between deep cuts and energetic moods. He produces and plays a wide range of genres without any limitation, driven by his passion for sound, deeply inspired by the 80s and 90s era. Dedicated to finding unique and undiscovered records, he is constantly improving his technical skills, both in the studio and on the dancefloor.